Educating the Employees of the Future with Career-Fit

Career-Fit offers a comprehensive solution to prepare students for their future careers, Employers now prioritize a combination of technical expertise and soft skills, including:

  1. Complex Problem Solving

  2. Critical Thinking

  3. Creativity

  4. People Management

  5. Coordinating with Others

  1. Emotional Intelligence

  2. Judgment & Decision-Making

  3. Service Orientation

  4. Negotiation

  5. Cognitive Flexibility

Empower Your Students
with AI Career Coaching

Career-Fit provides a powerful suite of tools designed to support and guide your students throughout their career journey. By utilizing our Career-Fit profile and AI career coach, you can offer personalised support and guidance whenever and wherever your students need it.
Find out more

How Career-Fit Prepares Students for the Future

1. Developing Essential Skills

  • Skill Identification: Career-Fit profiles identify students' strengths and areas for development, aligning them with the skills employers are seeking.
  • Personalised Training Plans: Tailored training plans help students develop both technical and soft skills, ensuring they are well-rounded and versatile.
  • Career Choice Template: Provides students with a methodology and process that reduces choice anxiety and increases confidence and motivation.
Developing Essential Skills

2. Enhancing Self-Awareness

  • Comprehensive Profiling: Students gain a deep understanding of their personality traits, motivators, and reasoning abilities, helping them make informed career choices.
  • Interactive AI Coach: The AI Career-Fit coach provides personalised feedback, guiding students towards career paths that match their profiles and aspirations.
  • Monitor Progress and Plan Next Steps: Students and their advisors have tools available that monitor where students are in their career journey and what the next steps are.
Enhancing Self-Awareness

3. Promoting Lifelong Learning

  • Continuous Development: Career-Fit emphasises the importance of lifelong learning, encouraging students to continually develop new skills and adapt to changes in the workplace.
  • Transferable Skills: Most employability skills can be developed through experience, accelerated by personalised training and employed virtually immediately.
  • Annual Career Health Checks: Regular reviews help students track their progress, reevaluate goals, and stay on course for long-term success.
Promoting Lifelong Learning

4. Supporting Career Transitions

  • Career Planning Tools: Career-Fit provides tools for planning career transitions, helping students navigate changes and seize new opportunities as their careers develop, circumstances change, and new employment opportunities appear.
  • Guidance and Mentorship: Provide your career advisors with the tools to scale the support they provide to individuals and groups, increasing both the accessibility and depth of support.
  • Future-proofing: By helping students to develop their transferable skills and employment agility, they will not only cope with but flourish from the changes in the employment market.
Supporting Career Transitions

5. Connecting Education and Employment

  • Job Matching and Alerts: The integrated job search system matches students with opportunities that suit their profiles, keeping them informed about relevant apprenticeships, jobs, and volunteering options.
  • Increasing Employer Engagement: Facilitate employers to efficiently communicate their work experience, internships, apprenticeships, and job opportunities to relevant students.
  • Provide Employers with Students' Career-Fit Profiles: This, together with their CVs and academic records, allows employers to select based on future potential and suitability to the opportunity, ensuring the right person is in the right opportunity for higher satisfaction and performance.
Connecting Education and Employment

Our Products and Solutions

Our products and solutions will help you prepare for the future. For more information, please call us on 01788 541306 or fill in our contact form.

1 - Career-Fit Profiler

  • Comprehensive Profiling Tool:
    • Standard Profiles: Our default profiling tool delivers standard profiles for both individuals and employers.
    • Career Themes Identification: Recognises standard career themes by evaluating personality characteristics, motivators, and reasoning abilities.
    • Transferable Skills Identification: Pinpoints attributes and skills that can be transferred across various roles now and in the future.
  • Comprehensive Reporting:
    • Self-Coach Reports: Provides detailed reports for self-coaching, aiding individuals in understanding their career profiles and development needs.
    • Parent/Guardian Reports: Offers insights for parents and guardians to better support the career choices of young individuals.
    • Professional Advisor Reports: Equips career coaches and advisors with comprehensive reports to guide individuals effectively.
  • AI-Driven Interactive Analysis:
    • AI Career-Fit Coach: Utilises an AI-powered coach to deliver interactive analyses of your profile. This includes exploring potential career routes, job roles, and opportunities in self-employment and entrepreneurship.
    • Career Journey Planning: Supplies tools for planning your entire career journey, from initial entry to career transitions and even retirement planning.
  • Development and Progress Tracking:
    • Training and Development Needs: Identifies training and development requirements to achieve career goals.
    • Progress Review Tools: Provides tools for monitoring and reviewing your progress towards achieving your goals.
    • Personalized Learning Plan: Access to exercises related to your personalized learning plan to foster continuous skill development.
  • Enhanced Employer Selection: Employability Skills Focus: Can be used alongside traditional CVs to help employers select candidates based on employability skills and future potential, rather than solely on academic achievements.

2 - Career-Fit Coaching

  • AI Career-Fit Coach Access: Feedback for All: All individuals and groups who complete the Career-Fit profiler will have access to our AI Career-Fit Coach to receive personalised feedback.
  • Personalized Coaching Options:
    • 1-2-1 Online Coaching: Personalised online coaching sessions are available from our experienced Career Coaches, offering tailored guidance and support.
    • Membership Plans: Ongoing Support: A range of membership plans are available, providing continuous support and guidance. Members gain access to a wide variety of development exercises to enhance their skills and career progression.
    • Annual Career Health Check: Progress Review: An annual “career health check” reviews individuals' progress towards their career and life goals. Goal Review: This check-up also serves as an opportunity to reevaluate goals in light of new learning, experiences, and changing circumstances.

3 - Training & Development

  • Personalised Training Plans: Career-Fit Profile Integration: Our Career-Fit Profile is used to create a personalised training plan tailored to each individual’s goals and aspirations.
  • Seamless Integration with Various Programs:
    • Government-Backed Programs: Your personalized training plan can be integrated with Government-backed initiatives such as the National Skills Boot Camps, Multiply.
    • Employer-Sponsored Programs: Individuals on employer-backed apprenticeship or internship programs can seamlessly incorporate their training plans into these initiatives.
    • Self-Funded Students: Self-funded students can also benefit from an individualised training plan that aligns with their career objectives and personal development needs.

4 - Job Search

  • Career Opportunity Evaluation: Profile-Based Template: Your Career-Fit profile will serve as a template for evaluating and comparing various career opportunities, ensuring they align with your strengths and goals.
  • Profile Matching Services: Diverse Opportunities: We offer profile matching services for a wide range of apprenticeships, jobs, and volunteering opportunities, helping you find the best fit.
  • Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship: Opportunity Review: Your profile can also be assessed against self-employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, guiding you toward potential business ventures.
  • Integrated Job Search System: Tinman Job Alerts: Our fully integrated job search system, Tinman, will alert you to opportunities that match your profile as soon as they become available, keeping you informed of the latest suitable roles.

5 - Consultancy and Outsourced Services

  • We have a team of Psychologists, HR Consultants, and IT professionals, and together with our partners, we develop bespoke solutions for a range of Commercial, Educational, and Government clients globally.
  • By definition, each project is different, but as we are not tied to any particular supplier, we provide objective advice and make use of best-in-class products in developing highly personalised solutions.
  • We also provide an end-to-end management solution for those organisations who wish to outsource their assessment services.

There has never been a time of greater promise, or greater peril.

Prof Klaus Schwartz
Founder of the World Economic Forum

Goals are only wishes unless you have a plan.

Melinda Gates
Co founder of the Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation

National boundaries these days are not that important because of transformative technological development. Now we are talking about the fourth industrial revolution.

Ban Ki Moon
Secretary General of United Nations 2007 – 2016

Get in touch

We’re ready to help prepare you for the future. To find out more about our skills supply chain solution and how it can benefit you, please call us on 01788 541306 or click below to fill in our contact form. Contact us