Empower Your Employees
with Career-Fit AI Coach

Are your employees making the best use of their talents? Let Career-Fit AI coach guide your employees through improving their self- awareness, confidence and motivation. By developing their Transferable Skills they will increase their employment agility and future proof their careers.
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Threats Opportunities and Solutions

Scale of change

We know that in this networked world this revolution will impact virtually everybody on the planet across all of societies activities and policies including education, commercial, public and even defence.

The global nature of the revolution and the advances in technology that have networked the world, means that no single society can totally control their employment market in isolation so they need to be able to react to external as well as internal influences.

The impact of automation and technological advances will fundamentally change not only the skills required in the World of Work but also the role that work plays in an individual’s and societies life. The good news is that this same technology that has created this revolution can also provide Society with the solution that allows it to benefit from the changes available.

Speed of change

While there are some differences in what individual researchers are predicting regarding exactly how quickly the changes will take place what they all agree on is that the revolution has already started and is gaining pace.

Unfortunately, it looks as though it is already too late to control the speed or direction of these chaotic changes. As such, it is misguided to concentrating on developing well researched, strategic approaches as by the time they are developed the requirement will have mutated leaving this approach impotent and irrelevant.

What we can do is to build up societies ability to respond dynamically, but not chaotically or in panic, to the opportunities and threats that will certainly happen.

Data, data, data...

By provide the right data quick enough to inform the dynamic tactical policy decisions then the chances of individuals and society benefiting from this revolution improve significantly.

Our solution makes this possible as a result of our policy where we capture the data once and then use the same data to inform a variety of decisions that the individual’s, educators and employers need to take. This system facilitates the pooling, aggregating and anonymising of the data to provide high quality macro data to inform social policy in real time.

We will also “future-proof” the solution data by tracking individual’s career and skills development journey to validate and update our predictive algorithms to ensure that we keep up to date and improving.

Attributes & transferable skills

While nobody knows exactly what knowledge and skills people are going to need in the future world of work, we do know some attributes and skills that will definitely be needed in virtually all roles.

We can identify these and provide advice and guidance on how to develop them further.

We also know that in this age of automation, technological tools will enhance, and in some cases replace, roles that humans play in the workplace and society as a whole. To benefit from the opportunities this presents will require individuals to be skilled in using life-long learning aids and be flexible, adaptable and resilient.

Individual and Societies productivity and wellbeing

The CAREER-FIT 5 step process aligns the objectives of the individuals, educators and employers. By providing a data driven career choice and skills development process we can improve the matching of people to opportunities based on their motivation and potential.

This alignment of goals and getting the right people in the right opportunity at the right time enables individuals, employers and society at large to revolutionise productivity and wellbeing.

Our Products and Solutions

Our products and solutions will help you prepare for the future. For more information, please call us on 01788 541306 or fill in our contact form.

1 - Career-Fit Profiler

  • Comprehensive Profiling Tool:
    • Standard Profiles: Our default profiling tool delivers standard profiles for both individuals and employers.
    • Career Themes Identification: Recognises standard career themes by evaluating personality characteristics, motivators, and reasoning abilities.
    • Transferable Skills Identification: Pinpoints attributes and skills that can be transferred across various roles now and in the future.
  • Comprehensive Reporting:
    • Self-Coach Reports: Provides detailed reports for self-coaching, aiding individuals in understanding their career profiles and development needs.
    • Parent/Guardian Reports: Offers insights for parents and guardians to better support the career choices of young individuals.
    • Professional Advisor Reports: Equips career coaches and advisors with comprehensive reports to guide individuals effectively.
  • AI-Driven Interactive Analysis:
    • AI Career-Fit Coach: Utilises an AI-powered coach to deliver interactive analyses of your profile. This includes exploring potential career routes, job roles, and opportunities in self-employment and entrepreneurship.
    • Career Journey Planning: Supplies tools for planning your entire career journey, from initial entry to career transitions and even retirement planning.
  • Development and Progress Tracking:
    • Training and Development Needs: Identifies training and development requirements to achieve career goals.
    • Progress Review Tools: Provides tools for monitoring and reviewing your progress towards achieving your goals.
    • Personalized Learning Plan: Access to exercises related to your personalized learning plan to foster continuous skill development.
  • Enhanced Employer Selection: Employability Skills Focus: Can be used alongside traditional CVs to help employers select candidates based on employability skills and future potential, rather than solely on academic achievements.

2 - Career-Fit Coaching

  • AI Career-Fit Coach Access: Feedback for All: All individuals and groups who complete the Career-Fit profiler will have access to our AI Career-Fit Coach to receive personalised feedback.
  • Personalized Coaching Options:
    • 1-2-1 Online Coaching: Personalised online coaching sessions are available from our experienced Career Coaches, offering tailored guidance and support.
    • Membership Plans: Ongoing Support: A range of membership plans are available, providing continuous support and guidance. Members gain access to a wide variety of development exercises to enhance their skills and career progression.
    • Annual Career Health Check: Progress Review: An annual “career health check” reviews individuals' progress towards their career and life goals. Goal Review: This check-up also serves as an opportunity to reevaluate goals in light of new learning, experiences, and changing circumstances.

3 - Training & Development

  • Personalised Training Plans: Career-Fit Profile Integration: Our Career-Fit Profile is used to create a personalised training plan tailored to each individual’s goals and aspirations.
  • Seamless Integration with Various Programs:
    • Government-Backed Programs: Your personalized training plan can be integrated with Government-backed initiatives such as the National Skills Boot Camps, Multiply.
    • Employer-Sponsored Programs: Individuals on employer-backed apprenticeship or internship programs can seamlessly incorporate their training plans into these initiatives.
    • Self-Funded Students: Self-funded students can also benefit from an individualised training plan that aligns with their career objectives and personal development needs.

4 - Job Search

  • Career Opportunity Evaluation: Profile-Based Template: Your Career-Fit profile will serve as a template for evaluating and comparing various career opportunities, ensuring they align with your strengths and goals.
  • Profile Matching Services: Diverse Opportunities: We offer profile matching services for a wide range of apprenticeships, jobs, and volunteering opportunities, helping you find the best fit.
  • Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship: Opportunity Review: Your profile can also be assessed against self-employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, guiding you toward potential business ventures.
  • Integrated Job Search System: Tinman Job Alerts: Our fully integrated job search system, Tinman, will alert you to opportunities that match your profile as soon as they become available, keeping you informed of the latest suitable roles.

5 - Consultancy and Outsourced Services

  • We have a team of Psychologists, HR Consultants, and IT professionals, and together with our partners, we develop bespoke solutions for a range of Commercial, Educational, and Government clients globally.
  • By definition, each project is different, but as we are not tied to any particular supplier, we provide objective advice and make use of best-in-class products in developing highly personalised solutions.
  • We also provide an end-to-end management solution for those organisations who wish to outsource their assessment services.

There has never been a time of greater promise, or greater peril.

Prof Klaus Schwartz
Founder of the World Economic Forum

Goals are only wishes unless you have a plan.

Melinda Gates
Co founder of the Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation

National boundaries these days are not that important because of transformative technological development. Now we are talking about the fourth industrial revolution.

Ban Ki Moon
Secretary General of United Nations 2007 – 2016

Get in touch

We’re ready to help prepare you for the future. To find out more about our skills supply chain solution and how it can benefit you, please call us on 01788 541306 or click below to fill in our contact form. Contact us